Charge: 3 counts rape of a child
facing: 75 years in prison at 100%
Result: Charges reduced, client received probation and no jail.
Charge: Rape
facing: 12 years.
Result: Dismissed by judge after preliminary hearing after cross examination showed accuser was not credible.
Charge: Child Rape.
facing: 15 years
Result: No arrest, or indictment, State declined to file charges after investigation by Defense demonstrated that accuser was not credible.
Charge: Sex offender registration / restriction violation.
Result: Injunction obtained against statute targeting sex offender.
Charge: Statutory Rape
facing: two years prison and sex offender registration.
Result: Prior to trial state wanted client to be forced to register as sex offender. After trial Client given probation, and NOT required to register as sex offender.
Charge: Rape of a child. Client facing: 25 years at 100%.
Result: Not Guilty after jury trial.
Charges: Child Abuse Petition for removal of custody for accusation of Child Rape
facing: loss of custody, 15 years at 100%
Result: Case dismissed after adjudicatory hearing, no criminal charges filed.