How do you defend against a drug conspiracy case?

How do you defend against a drug conspiracy case? | Horst Law | (615) 259-9867

Drug conspiracy cases are probably the most difficult cases to defend. And this is because, unlike many other crimes like a robbery or a homicide where the police, after the fact, they’ve got to put t…

Drug conspiracy cases are probably the most difficult cases to defend. And this is because, unlike many other crimes like a robbery or a homicide where the police, after the fact, they’ve got to put the puzzle together, they’ve got to figure out who do they think did it, what was the motive, find the evidence and put it in place. In a drug conspiracy case, they are in fact targeting you. And they are pursuing you, so they’re going pursue the evidence until they have everything in place. That is why drug cases are very difficult, and unfortunately, oftentimes, the government will not bring that drug case until they have all the pieces in place. Really, what you’re trying to do is negotiate the best deal possible and do damage control. So therefore, that’s why drug cases are very difficult.