I’ve been charged with prescription drug fraud. Will I go to jail?

I’ve been charged with prescription drug fraud. Will I go to jail? | Horst Law | (615) 259-9867

We are seeing more and more people charged with prescription drug fraud. That is certainly the result of more and more people being prescribed those legitimately in the first place, but then just beco…

We are seeing more and more people charged with prescription drug fraud. That is certainly the result of more and more people being prescribed those legitimately in the first place, but then just becoming addicted to those painkillers for back problems, car accidents, whatever. These are people who have typically always been law-abiding, so they are very concerned about what is going to happen to them. The good news is this: I have never had a prescription drug fraud case where the person’s been fraudulently obtaining prescription drugs for their own habit. I’ve never had that case where the state’s wanted to put them in jail. It’s a different story if they are doing it to sell those drugs and those types of things, but mostly, the state wants to make sure you get control of your drug addiction and get that handled. So typically, we can negotiate that case for probation.